Dealing With People

Influence of Saturn

The Influence of Saturn on Life and Destiny

“The way a person relates to scriptures, water, living beings, a certain place, time, karma, birth, meditation, mantras, and purification rituals determines the predominance of one or another guna.”

Srimad Bhagavatam 11.13.4

Indeed, in astrology, this is the main planet, one might say – the skeleton, the basis of everything, which, on the one hand, keeps a person’s life in balance, avoiding dangerous distortions, on the other hand, protects from the influence of the outside world, for which he is not ready, limiting his consciousness. Saturn as a strict teacher, every 30 years, examines for maturity. Moreover, in the Vedic tradition, it is believed that these cycles are repeated more often. When Saturn returns to its natal position, having made a complete revolution in more than 30 years, and when it passes through the natal Moon, which happens, respectively, also once every 30 years. These cycles coincide, only for those who were born on the New Moon and are experienced very tangibly. It also happens to states.

Why are they so afraid of him? Yes, because the action of Saturn is inevitable, like death. It cannot be appeased, cannot be deceived, and cannot be avoided. His influence is harsh, and heavy and invariably deprives frivolity, leading to adulthood. Awareness of the gravity of responsibility. And the methods of his upbringing are restrictions and deprivations. But… those who appreciate these qualities, who love self-control, responsibility, self-restraint, solitude, cultivate independence, non-attachment to the illusions of the material world, and patience, get truly the widest opportunities for development. But more on that in the next article.

Now let’s consider how the mode in which the Saturnian principles are lived (as material nature) affects the fate of people and nations.

Saturn in tamas (ignorance). People with Saturn in tamas have several very dangerous and unpleasant qualities. At best, this is seclusion, complete despondency, lack of taste and colors of life, emptiness, poverty, panic fear of any activity. In a more destructive version, it is misanthropy, sociopathy, exorbitant pride and arrogance, and extreme cruelty. Feeling like a judge, an executioner, who has the right to punish, inflict suffering and even kill. This position of Saturn leads to Nazism, fascism, sectarianism, and sadism.

In another version, Saturn in ignorance gives masochism, self-abasement, self-torture of all kinds, and slave consciousness.

Saturn in rajas (passion). Saturn in passion manifests itself as a constant need for activity, and structuring. Work for the sake of work. Complete inability to relax, to relax. Every second should be occupied with something. Religion and faith are understood at the level of dogmas. Fanaticism. Fasts, austerities, and restrictions are performed to achieve a specific material goal. Vows are made for the same reason. Not an understanding of joy and playfulness, not a love of fun, a contemptuous attitude towards people of art, as if they were loafers. Strictness, constraint, constant restrictions of oneself in pleasures. Starvation leads to exhaustion. Or broadcasting all these concepts to your environment. Restriction of freedom of loved ones, constant prodding and accusations of laziness, idleness, irresponsibility, and disorganization. Fanatical adherence to rules, and traditions, even if they are destructive and forcing their environment to do the same. Intolerance and impatience. Goal setting is happiness in hard work.

Another manifestation of Saturn in Rajas is complete disorganization, irresponsibility, lack of ability, and desire to value time, plan, build tactics and strategy, and consistently go towards the intended goals.

Lack of patience and perseverance. Fatalism.

Saturn in sattva (goodness). Saturn in sattva gives a wonderful sense of rhythm, tact, an impeccable sense of the right moment, regularity, and composure. Strong, good Saturn distinguishes people who are modest, internally calm, self-sufficient, and independent, but not arrogant. They love solitude and deep reflection, they understand that if a person is busy with what he loves, then he will not have to work a day, because he perceives his activity as pleasure.

They don’t rush anywhere, they don’t rush to conclusions, and they make decisions very carefully. Statements are made, only justified, verified, and considered from different angles. Sattvic Saturn gives love to nature, land, agriculture, and lifestyle. Such people prefer to eat simple, healthy, and high-quality products, do not overeat, and do not suffer from excess weight. Perfectly understand the laws of cause and effect relationships. They know that everything has its time and place and that retribution will come sooner or later for all deeds. Exceptionally responsible. Not subject to emotional swings. They have an understanding that everything happens by the will of the Almighty, but at the same time, they always ask, first of all, for themselves! Honest and reliable. Excellent leaders who can plan both strategy and budget, relying solely on true values, in all respects. That is – tactics, strategy, and line of conduct are built flawlessly, taking into account all levels – both material and spiritual. And taking into account all possible errors and threats. Generous and kind, especially to women and children. They love animals.

And the main understanding that Saturn gives in goodness is the understanding that true work is work on oneself, on one’s Spiritual ascent.

2 thoughts on “Influence of Saturn”

  1. Currently dealing with a hater at my work. As a matter of fact we just had a meeting in HR today. I don’t think she was satisfied with the outcome. I’m hoping that’s the end to her complaints about me. You post helps me see the situation more clearly. Thanks!


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