Dealing With People, Habits, habits

Rahu: How to Control your Anger?

Rahu’s influence on planets

Rahu is the energy that controls the surrounding reality.

Everything that is outside of us, that is not our inner world: starting from everyday things and ending with life events in general.

Rahu represents the vector of attention directed from the inside out.

Rahu aspects only the house and sign in which it is located in the same logic with planets.

Rahu can only influence those planets with which it is in the same house, and if the planets are weaker than it.

If expressed in the language of mythology, Rahu eats or absorbs planets that are weaker than him.

Therefore, it is extremely important to evaluate the strength of the planets associated with Rahu.

Rahu itself is similar to its dispositor (the lord of the sign in which Rahu is located).

If Rahu is strong

and influences a particular planet, it will undoubtedly destroy it and negatively affect it.

But if Rahu is weaker than the planet, then he behaves like an obedient servant and greatly enhances the qualities of the planet.

Rahu Sun

Rahu destroys the ability to protect one’s attachments and identifications.

This greatly affects the ability to sensibly evaluate events and discard negative influences.

Such people easily become adherents of communities, succumb to the influence of charismatic personalities, bosses impose their position on them, and so on.

Behind external events, a person forgets about his own integrity and safety, often ignoring external, destructive factors.

Rahu creates the illusion of security, which leads to 2 possible scenarios.

In one case, people become gullible madmen, in the other – spiritual and unattached to matter.

It all depends on the other positions in the natal chart.

If Rahu is weaker than the Sun, then the ego becomes incredibly strong and bulletproof.

Such a person is always confident in everything.

This is a strong position for managers, leaders, businessmen and other people who need confidence and self-belief.

Rahu Moon

If Rahu destroys the Moon, then the processes of perception of thoughts, emotions, and internal states are disrupted.

External event activity overshadows reflection from the inner world.

It is difficult to understand what is happening inside due to the fast pace of life.

Stops and analysis of the state of consciousness are needed.

Difficulties in understanding deep feelings and emotions.

Emotions are experienced quickly and superficially.

Lack of deep experiences.

If the Moon is stronger than Rahu, then the qualities of hypersensitivity to the surrounding world appear.

Such people notice what most others do not see, and become to some extent psychics (in the positive sense of the word).

Rahu Mercury When Mercury is defeated,a person is in deep illusion about his intelligence and communication abilities.

Makes wrong decisions in trading.

Ambition obscures real market value.

If Mercury is stronger than Rahu, then the person becomes frantic in communication and sales.

They say about such a person that he can sell snow to the Eskimos in winter.

Huge horizons in sales.

Strong understanding of long range communication.

Magnificent facial expressions and unique charisma.

Rahu Mars

Weak Mars and strong Rahu

cause problems in business, confusion in simple rational conclusions, and confusion in the execution of tasks.

I strongly advise against hiring such people for production positions; they will cause more problems than they are worth.

In addition, it is difficult for them to prove their imperfection.

Common sense is also violated.

If Mars is stronger than Rahu

, then the highest practical skills and thinking are manifested.

Such people can create paradise in a hut, make a delicious dish from simple ingredients, ideally organize business, production, their work and the activities of those under their care.

This combination is geared towards rationalism, optimization and production.

Rahu Jupiter

Weak Jupiter and strong Rahu

give disadvantage in development.

Development involves a fair amount of illusion and self-deception.

A person studies destructive and false knowledge, his worldview leads not to prosperity and growth, but to destruction and degradation.

Be careful and selective in your dealings with such people.

Also, people with this position have a scientific justification for their own flaws and shortcomings.

Development is very difficult, painful and flawed.

If Jupiter is stronger than Rahu

, then the person can achieve huge results in short intervals.

Worldviews are changing at incredible speed.

During the Jupiter period, these people achieve stunning success and prosperity.

Wealth comes to them easily and naturally.

Legendary and rare combination.

Rahu Venus

If Rahu is stronger than Venus

, then a perversion of close relationships occurs in a person’s life.

Most often, violations occur in the sexual sphere.

The very principle of understanding close communication distance is distorted.

Expectations are usually not met because they are too divorced from real life.

The creative process is difficult and unsystematic.

Venus, which is stronger than Rahu

, is transformed and scaled.

Love and intimacy become inexhaustible.

The extraordinary charisma and attractiveness of such a person will not leave anyone indifferent.

A striking example of this combination was manifested in the person of Jesus Christ.

He loved people so much that many centuries later she warms the hearts of people.

Rahu Saturn

Weak Saturn and strong Rahu

give an illusory perception of difficulties.

As a rule, a person does not understand what to do with problems.

Difficult life situations and losses are perceived in a distorted light, and a person cannot draw the right conclusions.

A difficult combination for life, since it completely deprives a person of life wisdom, patience and humility in front of the life plan.

But if Saturn is stronger than Rahu

, then there are no difficulties that a person would not accept and overcome.

The order and internal cleanliness amaze the imagination.

High degree of detachment from material events.

There are virtually no expectations, which creates inner peace and acceptance of life as it is.

In the end, I will traditionally emphasize the fact that

you need to carefully study combinations of planets with Rahu and Ketu

, because the cost of a mistake is high, and instead of motivation you can get a severe charge of negativity.

You need to understand exactly who is stronger: the planet or Rahu, and only then make a conclusion.

Professional Astrologer

By this observation, the monk realizes that the anger is hidden within his mind. The empty boat only gave him a chance to come out. He realized that he himself had made him angry. When we say this person or this situation makes me angry then we are wrong. The right thing is you yourself made you angry. Any situation or person is like that empty boat and you yourself are like that monk.

The very first thing you need to realize before trying to control your anger is that YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR ANGER. Because being angry is a choice. Like if you got angry with your boss you still can’t say anything bad to him or shout on him. But if you got angry with your children or spouse then you started shouting on them. If you never accept that you can choose to be angry then you never gonna control it because your mind will think like it’s out of your control. It depends on people and situations.

KNOW WHAT IS ANGER? So the next thing you need to find out when you will become angry in your life. If you observe closely then you find that you will become angry when you got scared of something. In a general view, people look arrogant and proud while showing their anger but if you closely observe the things then you will find that they all are scared of something. If we take a few examples like few poor people got angry with rich people. They feel bad about their bank balance when they know about rich people’s bank account. Some people get jealous of beautiful people and become angry with them. Some people got angry because you are born in a certain community. This happens just because of some fears/insecurity people have in their minds. Whenever you become angry to ask yourself about your fears? If you find it hard then start writing about your feelings, this way you can understand yourself better. Writing forces you to give words to your feelings and you though deeply and understand your mind and thoughts that what’s going on in your mind.

FOCUS ON YOUR BREATH AND TRY TO CALM DOWN. Many people control their anger easily. But few people become uncontrolled while they got angry. Many times people say I could not stop myself to do….. Because I was so angry. This happens because anger is a form of energy. It creates too much energy and people become uncomfortable. If you learn how to manage this energy then I’m you can use it for yourself. The peak point of this situation arises when your mind can’t be able to think about anything. Like when you know your spouse has cheated on you and you become so much angry as your mind stopped working at that situation. In such kind of extreme situations, you should focus on your breath. Try to take a deep breath without thinking anything and focus on your breathing. Inhale 4 seconds then hold it for 6seconds then exhale 8 seconds. Keep reading this until you feel your mind is in your control.

SPEND THE ENERGY OF ANGER IN SOME WAY..after controlling your mind you should figure out what’s the best way for you to spend that energy. I use that energy in cleaning my house. Some people love listing loud music, walking, jogging, boxing or any kind of sport. Only you can know better what you like to do at that time which can be useful for you and not harmful to anyone else.

WORK ON THOSE PROBLEMS WHICH CAUSING YOU ANGER..whenever you become angry it shows any issue within your life which needs to be corrected. Suppose you become angry if someone calls you fatty. So think about it are you actually have a fatty body? Do you want to work on it or you have no problem with fat? If you don’t have any problems with that or you don’t care about that then accept it and move on. If you are conscious about your weight and working on it then also you should move on and keep working on it. If you are conscious but doing nothing then start working on yourself. This is the best way to find out the cause and try to remove it.

If someone breaks your personal boundary then you can also become angry in your relationship or with friends. Whenever you become angry with your friend or with a partner etc then try to figure out which boundaries are tried to broke by them. After that try to know is the boundary is valid or not? Try to talk and solve the matter with conversation peacefully. Sometimes you will find that your boundaries are not realistic and you need to fix something in your behavior. Even all if you sometimes say bad words or do something bad then always apologize with a person for your wrong behavior and never repeat you’re bad actions again.

By this observation, the monk realises that the anger is hidden within his mind. The empty boat only gave him a chance to come out. He realised that he himself had made him angry. When we say this person or this situation make me angry then we are wrong. The right thing is you yourself made you angry. Any situation or person is like that empty boat and you yourself is like that monk.

The very first thing you need to realise before trying to control your anger is that YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR ANGER. Because being angry is a choice. Like if you got angry on your boss you still can’t say anything bad to him or shout on him. But if you got angry on your children or spouse then you started shouting on them. If you never accept that you can choose to be angry then you never gonna control it because your mind will think like it’s out of your control. It depends upon people and situations.

KNOW WHAT IS ANGER? So the next thing you need to find out when you will become angry in your life. If you observe closely then you find that you will become angry when you got scared of something. In general view, people look arrogant and proud while showing their anger but if you closely observe the things then you will find that they all are scared of something. If we take a few examples like few poor people got angry on rich people. They feel bad about their bank balance when they know about rich people’s bank account. Some people get jealous of beautiful people and become angry on them. Some people got angry because of you born in a certain community. This happens just because of some fears/insecurity people have in their mind. Whenever you become angry ask yourself about your fears? If you find it hard then start writing about your feelings, this way you can understand yourself better. Writing forces you to give words to your feelings and you though deeply and understand your mind and thoughts that what’s going on in your mind.

FOCUS ON YOUR BREATH AND TRY TO CALM DOWN. Many people control their anger easily. But few people become uncontrolled while they got angry. Many time people say I could not stop myself to do….. Because I was so angry. This happens because anger is a form of energy. It creates too much energy and people become uncomfortable. If you learn how to manage this energy then I’m you can use it for yourself. The peak point of this situation arises when your mind can’t be able to think about anything. Like when you know your spouse has cheated on you and you become so much angry as your mind stopped working at that situation. In such kind of extreme situations, you should focus on your breath. Try to take a deep breath without thinking anything and focus on your breathing. Inhale 4 seconds then hold it for 6seconds then exhale 8 seconds. Keep reading this until you feel your mind is in your control.

SPEND THE ENERGY OF ANGER IN SOME WAY..after controlling your mind you should figure out what’s the best way for you to spend that energy. I use that energy in cleaning my house. Some people love listing loud music, walking, jogging, boxing or any kind of sport. Only you can know better what you like to do at that time which can be useful for you and not harmful for anyone else.

WORK ON THOSE PROBLEMS WHICH CAUSING YOU ANGER..whenever you become angry it shows any issue within your life which needs to be corrected. Suppose you become angry if someone calls you fatty. So think about it are you actually have a fatty body? Do you want to work on it or you have no problem with fat? If you don’t have any problems with that or you don’t care about that then accept it and move on. If you are conscious about your weight and working on it then also you should move on and keep working on it. If you are conscious but doing nothing then start working on yourself. This is the best way to find out the cause and try to remove it.

If someone breaks your personal boundary then you can also become angry in your relationship or with friends. Whenever you become angry with your friend or with a partner etc then try to figure out which boundaries are tried to broke by them. After that try to know is the boundary is valid or not? Try to talk and solve the matter with conversation peacefully. Sometimes you will find that your boundaries are not realistic and you need to fix something in your behavior. Even all if you sometimes say bad words or do something bad then always apologize with a person for your wrong behavior and never repeat you’re bad actions again.

Personal Consultations

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